
Welcome to my blog post, I am sorry that I couldn't post this on Halloween itself but I hope you enjoy it all the same.

Here are some fun recipes and puzzles I hope you enjoy them!

Activity- Pumpkins!
Why don't you try carving a pumpkin, it's fun even though it smells a bit! If you can't buy a pumpkin you could try drawing your own here are my and Jasminep01's attempts. 



You can draw it on plain paper or use the template which is down below. 


Noughts and crosses

Pumpkin faces

Pumpkin poem

Halloween recipe - toffee apples

Serves: 6 
6 Granny Smith apples,6 wooden sticks (like those used for ice lollies)4 (100g) packets original toffee.2 tablespoons water.1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1. Insert wooden sticks 3/4 of the way into the stem end of each apple. Place apples on a baking tray lined with lightly greased aluminium foil.
2. Combine toffee, water and vanilla in a saucepan over low heat. Cook, stirring often, until toffee melts and is smooth. Dip each apple into the toffee and gently run apples around inside of saucepan to scrape off some of the toffee. Place on the aluminium foil and chill until ready to serve.

I hope you have enjoyed this post,thank you for reading and....
Happy Halloween



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