Easy chocolate chip cookies

Today I am going to tell  you how to make some easy cookies!

You will need:

225g butter - at room temperature 
110g caster sugar
275g plain flour
Chocolate chips- or any other flavorings 

Step 1: Preheat the oven to 170OC 

Step 2: Cream the butter in a large bowl and add the sugar. Beat until the mixture is pale and fluffy.

Step 3: Sift in the flour and add flavorings.

Step 4: Using your hands shape them into balls and flatten them slightly with a wet fork.

Step 5: Bake them in the oven for 13-15 minuets until they were golden on top.

Step 6: Decorated them how ever you like and enjoy!

Thank you for reading this post and I hope you enjoy making them.


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