Last minute fathers day card

Welcome to today's blog post. If you are probably like me then chances are you have forgotten about fathers day! So here is a  simple cards that you can make at home right now: 

Tie envelope

You will need:

-  Envelope

-  Paper

-  Glue

- Scissors

- Fancy card/wallpaper

Step 1: Get your envelope and cut off the top sealing bit.

 Step 2: Make a cut about an inch into the envelope.

Step 3: Fold over the corners

Step 4: Draw out a tie template on paper and cut it out.

Step 5: Draw round it again onto some colourful card or wallpaper.

Step 6: Stick the tie on the envelope.

Step 7: Stick the collar down.

Step 8: Add your own stuff.

Thank you for reading today's post and I will see you next time on my blog.


Twitter: @Lavender5328
Roblox: SlenderDagger
Google +: Lavender fivethreetwoeight


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