I would like to wish everyone a very late happy new year! This is my first post for over 7 months, due to exams, coursework, holidays and the arrival of my new dog. Another reason I haven't been posting is because gmail wouldn't log me on and when it finally did it wouldn't save posts I have done over 3 posts for Halloween etc that just haven't been saved, I hope that this problem has been fixed now so I  hope you enjoy reading this post!

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Club penguin is shutting down after 12 years! I have been a big part of this community since I was little and will be sad to see it go. The website will be formally shut on 29th March 2017. But don't worry they are making a new website called "Club Penguin island". (PREPARE FOR A RANT)

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I personally preferred original club penguin. Firstly Club Penguin was already a island, so it would be stupid to name it that instead of something like "Club Penguin world". Also on the new website it says that you will be able to buy "stinky cheese" to feed your penguin, which is illogical because penguins can't eat cheese! (Mind you the whole talking penguins thing is illogical) It will still take me a while to get used the new format/website. Overall the new website seems to have better graphics and games, but will it still have the same authenticity as the original? 

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 Only time will tell so get over to club penguin and make the most of the short month that we have left and if you want to get a head start on joining Club Penguin Island you can pre-register on their website now.

Image result for club penguin island  pictures

Thank you for reading my post and I will hope to post soon!


Twitter: @Lavender5328
Roblox: SlenderDagger
Google +: Lavender fivethreetwoeight


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