The last hurrah for club penguin! and meetup!

There is now only 10 days until club penguin's closure, so I have decided to have a final hurrah/meetup with all you guys to celebrate the life of club penguin and to relive all of our wonderful fabulous memories.
I will be on club penguin (hopefully) every night from now until the closure.I will be meeting on the server "Ice Berg" from 6:00pm to 7:00pm GMT 1:00pm to 2:00pm CST. We will be meeting in a different place everyday completing the activities in that area (maybe straying over into others as well).
Image result for club penguin

We will be meeting at:
- Monday 20/3 = Pet shop and Puffle park
- Tuesday 21/3 = Snow fort and Forest
- Wednesday 22/3 = Mine (school) and skate park
- Thursday 23/3 = Puffle wild and stadium
- Friday 24/3 = Cove and the rest of the plaza
- Saturday 25/3 = The town and the dock
- Sunday 26/3 = The beach and the rest of the town
- Monday 27/3 = The ski village and ski hill
- Tuesday 28/3 = The rest of the mine and the iceberg
- Wednesday 29/3 = The dojo and all round visit

Image result for club penguin captain rockhopper

I will be a purple penguin wearing blonde hair, a blue patterned dress, brown pirate boots and I will be holding a Captain Rock hopper stuffed toy.
I will appreciate every single one of you that comes what ever language you speak or how long you have been reading my blog whether it is 2 years or 2 minuets, I will welcome each and every one of you and treat you equally. Also stay tuned after Wednesday for a great big eulogy to club penguin and the great memories I have experienced playing it. If you come you may get featured on said eulogy with your username and your memories.

This is an amazing event that will never happen again so please come create/login and join me on our last hurrah for club penguin!

Thank you for reading this and I hope you come along and enjoy the fun! 


Twitter: @Lavender5328
Roblox: SlenderDagger
Google +: Lavender fivethreetwoeight


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