All you need to know about roblox

All you need to know about roblox
Roblox is a fun game that was launched  in 2006. It is a virtual world where you can build houses and theme parks the possibilities  are endless.

Every day when you log in you get 10 tickets which can be used to buy things like hats,t-shirts,a pair of jeans.Or if you are a V.I.P you can buy stuff in robucks - ( 1 robuck = 10 tickets)

Tickets Explosion

It is also a great way to make friends.When you join roblox you always get one friend called builderman (but i think your allowed to delete him later).

This is me and my best friend rosanna46665

 how to create a account   
This is my easy step to step guide on how to create a account.Sorry if some of them are upside down or the wrong way up (you'll just have to turn the computer upside down!)

and ta-da! here is your account have fun playing.

Why haven't i been blogging recently?
The reason i haven't been blogging for a while is because i had to do some very big tests there all over now so i will be able to blog every week ( yay!).Now you might have noticed but the title has changed instead of all about club penguin it is all about club  penguin and roblox.

Thank you for reading I will be back next week with how to change clothes ( and how to buy them) and remember ..................
 its free!



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