The future party 2014

The future party
The future party started today! When you log on you get a message from Gary3000 saying "Welcome to the future. I'd show you around but we have an emergency. Ultimate Protobot is launching meteors at us! Open this holo-comm to gear up for space.You're all that stands between us and those meteors!"

Then head to the snow forts to enter the time portal in 2014 and come out again in 4014!

The snow forts in 2014
Quick Quiz
Some of the rooms have changed see if you can guess what they are!
Question number: 1

Question number: 2

 Question number: 3

 Question number: 4

 Question number: 5

Question number: 6

 Question number:1 - the town
Question number:2 - the coffee shop
 Question number:3 - the dance club
 Question number:4 - the clothes shop
Question number:5 - the dock
 Question number:6 - the beach

How to defeat ultimate protobot 
Firstly click on your holo - comm in the right hand side.Then you need to click on the jet-pack and put it on.If you are a member you can transform into 3 robots (and still use the jet-pack).

Next you need to click on the map and then at the top there will be 3 areas click on any of the two (the third one is a break  time area). 

Keep on playing the games to earn points, remember points can be exchanged for prizes. Different prizes are unlocked everyday.

My next post....
my next post will be igloo visiting were i visit penguins igloos and mark them out of ten so you can see what super igloos club penguin has on offer.The server i always go on is bunny hill (but sometimes i go on my iPad) so get decorating!


Waddle on

(and Patch)

Challenge: see if you can guess where the pin is if not go to the pin section for the answer.



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