The penguin cup 2014

The penguin cup
The first ever penguin cup is here until July 1st. Aunt arctic will greet you with this message:
“The penguin cup is on! Pick a team and challenge other players. Every goal you score brings your team closer to the trophy! “

To pick a team click on the football icon on the right hand side. (I am on the fluffies).Next you will receive a football witch if you wear it and press D or just dance a football sign will appear above your head.
Then hopefully another penguin will click it and you will have a shootout battle to gain points for your team and become top of the leader board.
If you head to the beach it has all been redecorated for the sharks team if you click on the box with free written on it you can get a free shark vuvuzela.
The dock on the other hand has been redecorated for the space squids and same as before click on the box to get a free space squids vuvuzela .
Now let’s head to the hot sauces hideout in the forest where you can collect their vuvuzela (the hot sauces remind me of JOX from the monsters university party because they both have very messy hideouts).
And last but definitely not least the fluffies hideout where you can collect their vuvuzela (go fluffies!).
If you go to the plaza you will notice that there have been some changes straight away like the music and the pet shop logo. Also the stage has been turned into CPNS which I think might be a sort of TV sports show? inside it has lots of cameras with screens and wires (very hi –tec).
Quick quiz:
Q: what colour is my pet puffle?
A: blue     
I would like to say thank you for reading my blog and I hope you learnt something new. My next post will be about igloos, pins and catalogues, I wonder if you might be in it?
(and patch)
 P.S I am sorry if the pictures don't show up because i have used screen clippings on word instead of pictures from my ipad.


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