Competitions and spring time

Art competition 
I am delighted to announce the winners of my drawing competition:

1st place

Congratulations to Purple48 who has won the competition!

 2nd place

Commiserations to Pete1000
 3rd place

Commiserations to JasmineP01

Thanks to anyone who sent their pictures in, I had a very hard time choosing, here is my picture I hope you like it.

Spring is one of the four conventional temperate seasons, following winter and preceding
summer. When it is spring in the Northern Hemisphere, it will be autumn in the Southern
 Hemisphere. At the spring equinox, days are approximately 12 hours long with day length
 increasing as the season progresses. Spring also leads to ideas of rebirth, rejuvenation,
renewal, resurrection and regrowth. 

Thank you very much for reading and I hope you have a happy spring!

Twitter: @Lavender5328
Roblox: SlenderDagger
Google +: Lavender fivethreetwoeight


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